Surya Namaskar with mantras

Abhishek Raj
2 min readJul 1, 2020
Surya Namaskar

Hello Yogis, I having doing the sun salutation past 2 years and must say this is the king of all Yoga postures for me, well it’s all depends on you.

When I have started the postures practice, my guru Yogi Krishna taught me this series after some session and I was so fascinated that I have completed the 108 times sun salutation after 3 or 4 months.

The most amazing about the series is, it works on each part of your body. Sometime while I was about to do it with 12 mantras, which I accomplished today with full awareness :P that’s why this article .. !!!!

There are two suggestions before I talk about those 12 prayers.
1. perform this series under guidance first, because there are some technicalities, which we should take care (you can learn online obvious, as I did that initially but after doing it with guidance, just amazing experience).

2. Mantras are not like some magic, take it as prayer to associate you with SUN itself.

So here it comes,

Om Mitraaya Namaha → One who is friendly to me and everyone.

Om Ravaye Namaha → One who is shining and radiant, imagine while doing the postures.

Om Suryaya Namaha → The dispeller of darkness, responsible for generating activity, imagine the scenes just before sunrise and just after sunrise.

Om Bhaanave Namaha -> One who illuminates or the bright one, imagine the red color sun after sunrise.

Om Khagaya Namaha → One who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky, imagine the sun rotation and motion (the video explain many things)

Om Pooshne Namaha → Giver of nourishment and fulfillment. Imagine the sunflower or anything which relates with this prayer.

Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha -> one who contains everything, who has a golden colored brilliance.

Om Mareechaye Namaha → Giver of light with infinite rays, image how light comes on earth from such a distance.

Om Aadityaaya Namaha → The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother.

Om Savitre Namaha → One who responsible for life.

Om Arkaaya Namaha → One who is worthy of praise and glory.

Om Bhaskaraya Namaha → Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination

Reference →



Abhishek Raj

Love to code, explore life, started journey within myself, Yoga Practitioner